What is Life without You?

My eyes are deep in search for you.
The world, to me, seems totally new.
No one to share my feelings with.
No one to care for me every bit.

I feel like a lonely tree.
Standing alone in the middle of a sea.
I feel like the beautiful moon.
Surrounded by even more beautiful stars but still alone.

In my heart, I’m crying.
To be strong, I’m trying.
I’m afraid if I’m doing right or not.
Will this throw us apart or will it tie even a stronger knot?

Every passing second is making it more difficult for me to resist.
For me, without you, no world exists.
You are the one to replenish my life.
And revive my soul.

It is you who makes me feel special.
It’s you only who make me feel ordinary.
You make me feel,”I’m the best.”
And you only make me feel,”I’m the worst.”

You are the one who forces me to live.
At times, you are the one who pushes me to death.
It’s not about how much and what I feel.
It’s just that I really feel for you.

Your voice acts as a medicine for me.
And it sets all my tensions and worries free.
You are someone, I want to be mine.
For, my love for you is absolutely divine.

Being with you is the most precious thing.
For which I can give up everything.
I think of you with every breath I take in.
You run like blood through my vein.

I spend sleepless nights.
And senseless days?
I look for your sent in the blowing wind.
I feel your smell in the rain water.

Might be, from me, You stay a hundred miles away.
But I know You stand a step behind me to support me in every way.
You are the one I need.
You are the one, for whom, I greed.

I know you Love Me.
You know I Love You.
But I don’t know what is creating a gap between we two.
What is that forcing us apart?

I don’t know how you look.
I don’t know if you are a crook.
The only thing I know is.
Inside my heart, you are stored in the Golden Book.

A2fa ©

Post Author: Atoofa Khushnood

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